Barker Family Tree

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Family History

The information on the Barker Family Tree was gathered from Census Records, War & Pension Records, Ship Logs, Marriage Certificates, Birth and Death Records, Cemetery Records, LDS Records, Wills and family members. Corrections & additional information are appreciated. John Barker was master of the ship Abraham that sailed to Virginia from London Nov. 20, 1635, with 51 passengers. His descendants made their way to Iredell County, N.C., then on to the Sequatchie Valley of Tennessee and finally to Hixson. The Barkers settled in Surry County, Va., where they were large dealers in tobacco. A deed in 1653 mentions John Barker purchasing tobacco from Barbados. The same year, Theodrick Bland sold John Barker a plantation on the Upper Chippokes Creek for 10,000 pounds of 'good tobacco'. This property was sold by John Barker in 1678 to Benjamin Harrison for 16,000 pounds of tobacco.


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